Episode 191: What’s Possible with Sam (Replay)

Episode 191: What’s Possible with Sam (Replay)

The breakthroughs that allowed Sam to finally quit porn for good after 20 years. And how overcoming his porn habit improved every area of Sam's life, from his marriage to his career, and his thoughts on the long-term impact of investing in yourself.

Episode 107: Anger

Episode 107: Anger

Growing up, we receive the message that anger is bad and we should avoid it at all costs. But if you know what we do here, we’re all about neutralizing emotions in the name of healing. So, in this episode, we’re redefining how we look at anger and how best to deal with it.

Episode 106: Self-Love is Not Indulgence

Episode 106: Self-Love is Not Indulgence

Something that comes up a lot in the coaching we do over here is people mistaking self-love for indulgence. Self-love is super important when you’re working on your thoughts and feelings, but people sometimes think that operating from self-love means you can do whatever you want and cut yourself some slack. So, it’s time to talk about the difference between self-love and indulgence.

Episode 104: Year in Review + Visualization

Episode 104: Year in Review + Visualization

For many of us, the beginning of a new year is when we start talking about how much we want to change, our resolutions, and the new habits we want to build. However, before we do that, we need to take a close look at all the amazing things that have already happened.

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