Episode 153: Ask a Coach: Why You’re Stuck

Episode 153: Ask a Coach: Why You’re Stuck

“I’m feeling stuck, what do I do?” This is a variation of a question we hear from lots of people at different stages of their journey. The thought, “I’m stuck,” is one all of us indulge in when the path ahead feels uncertain and unknown, but the truth is you’re not stuck and Coach Kat is here to show you why.

Episode 152: Ask a Coach: When You Slip Up

Episode 152: Ask a Coach: When You Slip Up

If you slip up and view pornography, do you struggle for the rest of the day? This week’s Ask a Coach is from someone who found that if they view pornography early in the day, they don’t bother trying to avoid pornography until they get a fresh start the next day. This is common when people are trying to quit porn, it’s a product of all-or-nothing thinking, and it isn’t helping you find peace and ease in quitting porn.

Episode 151: Ask a Coach: Good Shame vs Bad Shame

Episode 151: Ask a Coach: Good Shame vs Bad Shame

Is all shame bad? This is the premise of this week’s Ask a Coach question. The truth is, it all comes down to semantics, and my answer is both yes and no.

Episode 149: Ask a Coach: 5 Areas of Self-Care to Focus On

Episode 149: Ask a Coach: 5 Areas of Self-Care to Focus On

Jessica Farmer is back on the show to answer this week’s Ask a Coach question! The question goes, “Do you have any tips on not getting fed up or burnt out from all the urge processing?” If you also feel completely tired and overwhelmed, or find yourself falling into resistance rather than allowing your urges to view porn, listen in to hear Jessica’s answers.

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