Episode 189: No More Band-Aid Solutions

Episode 189: No More Band-Aid Solutions

Are you tired of trying Band-Aid solutions to quit viewing pornography that never seem to work long-term? Why are these quick fixes ineffective? And what should you focus on instead?

Episode 153: Ask a Coach: Why You’re Stuck

Episode 153: Ask a Coach: Why You’re Stuck

“I’m feeling stuck, what do I do?” This is a variation of a question we hear from lots of people at different stages of their journey. The thought, “I’m stuck,” is one all of us indulge in when the path ahead feels uncertain and unknown, but the truth is you’re not stuck and Coach Kat is here to show you why.

Episode 146: Ask a Coach: Thinking New Thoughts You Don’t Believe Yet

Episode 146: Ask a Coach: Thinking New Thoughts You Don’t Believe Yet

This week’s Ask a Coach question comes from someone who requested feedback on an intentional model. They put this model together to begin thinking new thoughts about their path to freedom from porn but have yet to fully believe in it.

Episode 145: Ask a Coach: Your Compelling Reason

Episode 145: Ask a Coach: Your Compelling Reason

Coach Tina is on the podcast this week to answer your Ask a Coach question. This is a feature inside Overcome Pornography for Good where you can submit questions for coaching and get a personalized response from a coach on our team.

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