Episode 117: Should Your Spouse Fulfill Your Sexual Needs? with Amanda Louder

Episode 117: Should Your Spouse Fulfill Your Sexual Needs? with Amanda Louder

Many of us have received the conditioning that men are typically the sexual ones in a relationship and that they have an insatiable sexual need that has to be satisfied. In the context of a monogamous relationship, the responsibility to fulfill that sexual need falls on the partner, but this belief often doesn’t create great results.

Episode 102: Creating Trust After Betrayal Trauma with Geoff Steurer

Episode 102: Creating Trust After Betrayal Trauma with Geoff Steurer

When one person in a relationship has been viewing pornography, their partner can see this as a betrayal. In these situations, it’s common for there to be some hiding or lying on one side and potentially some betrayal trauma once the porn use has been disclosed. So, how can you create trust when these difficult relationship dynamics come up? Well, my guest this week is here to answer that exact question.

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