Episode 107: Anger

Episode 107: Anger

Growing up, we receive the message that anger is bad and we should avoid it at all costs. But if you know what we do here, we’re all about neutralizing emotions in the name of healing. So, in this episode, we’re redefining how we look at anger and how best to deal with it.

Episode 33: The Power of Pain

Episode 33: The Power of Pain

I’ve personally been going through a lot of inner turmoil and emotional pain lately, and it got me thinking about the beauty and power of pain. Viewing pornography is an outlet for many people to avoid the pain they’re experiencing in their lives, but it’s one that often just creates more of it.

Episode 14: Iceberg Emotions

Episode 14: Iceberg Emotions

I’ll preface this by letting you all know that I am not an iceberg expert. However, I do know that we only see 10% of an iceberg, while the rest of it lives out of sight. And the same is true of your pornography habit. There is always so much more going on that isn’t immediately obvious, so if we only work on that 10% we can see, there is always more waiting to come to the surface.

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