Episode 108: Pink Elephant and Intrusive Thoughts

Episode 108: Pink Elephant and Intrusive Thoughts

How do you react when you have an intrusive thought about viewing pornography? You might try to ignore it, you might respond to it, or you might try to replace the thought with something else. However you’re currently reacting to these kinds of urges, I’ve got something new for you to try. I saw a TikTok recently that illustrated the reality of intrusive thoughts as experienced by people with OCD, and it translates perfectly for how intrusive and automatic sexual thoughts play out in pornography use. So, in this episode, I’m sharing an exercise using a pink elephant to help you in those moments where you have an urge you can’t ignore. Tune in this week for a simple exercise that will help you understand what’s going on in your brain when you have intrusive thoughts on a deeper level. I’m sharing why trying to stop, avoid, or question your intrusive thoughts will only make them worse, and how to instead accept them and let them pass.

Episode 70: Overcome Your Most Difficult Urge

Episode 70: Overcome Your Most Difficult Urge

When do you experience your most irresistible urge to view pornography? For many of my clients, these moments of desire that feel especially challenging run the gamut from being off of work and having time alone on weekends, to stress or going through a rough patch. Whatever your specific scenario might be, know that you’re not alone. These instances where you’re experiencing your most difficult urge often trigger so much drama about how you’ll never be able to quit or live up to be the kind of person you want to be. But the truth is it doesn’t have to feel so intense, and I’m showing you why this week. Join me this week as I show you how you might be making your struggle with your most difficult urge harder than it needs to be. You’ll discover why avoidance is not the same as overcoming the urge, and the key to finding a real long-term solution. If you want help learning how to overcome your most difficult urge, I have the perfect workshop coming up for you. Overcome Your Most Difficult Urge is where you’ll get live, personalized help from me, and the best news is it’s only $6. Click here to register and I can’t wait to see you there!

Episode 72: What’s Possible with Logan

Episode 72: What’s Possible with Logan

Welcome back to another What’s Possible interview this week. There is nothing more powerful than listening to stories of people who have done what you want to do for your life, and if you look at my program and think, “If only that would work for me,” you’re about to hear from someone who was in the exact same place. Logan is on the show today to share his journey of struggling with pornography, the soul searching he had to do along the way, and his experience of coming out on the other side with a new belief in himself. He’s here to challenge the narrative that you have to struggle with porn forever, and instead, that it’s normal and doable to overcome this habit. Join us this week as we dive into the work Logan has done to overcome pornography and the impact it’s had on the rest of his life. I think you’ll find his story extremely relatable, so I invite you to drink in his success, feel your own belief rise as you listen in, and know that what’s possible for him is possible for you too. If you want help learning how to overcome your most difficult urge, I have the perfect workshop coming up for you. Overcome Your Most Difficult Urge is where you’ll get live, personalized help from me, and the best news is it’s only $6. Click here to register and I can’t wait to see you there!

Episode 49: Pillar Four: Becoming a New Person

Episode 49: Pillar Four: Becoming a New Person

This week, I want to paint a picture of someone who is more than simply learning to quit porn. Quitting porn is an amazing and worthwhile goal of course, but I want you to know that it’s so much more than that because you are becoming a new person. This is our final pillar of the four-part series we've covered in recent weeks, and it’s a natural step that happens as you go through the process of shifting the porn habit. Too often, people are focused on the surface-level changes they see, but you’re truly adopting a new identity along the way, and this requires some awareness and conscious effort. Listen in to discover the identity shift you are undergoing as you learn to quit porn. Becoming a new person is part and parcel of this work, but I’m showing you how to give yourself the permission to do so, and the only difference between who you are now and who you want to be.

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