Episode 159: Keep It Simple - Emotions and Buffering

Episode 159: Keep It Simple - Emotions and Buffering

If your journey toward Overcoming Pornography For Good brings up a ton of overwhelm, you’re not alone. I’m all about simplifying everything as much as possible, and this is why I created the Keep It Simple series, where I’m boiling down the foundational pieces of this journey that will help you make progress. On this Keep It Simple episode, we’re exploring the topics of emotions and buffering. I'm walking you through how to process emotions, the role of buffering in your porn habit, and how to generate the emotions that will help you achieve your goals. Join me this week to learn the importance of identifying how buffering shows up for you, why processing your emotions is a crucial step in overcoming your porn habit, why the shame cycle keeps you stuck, and how to heal those stories. Discover how to create the emotional fuel that will help you reach your goals.

Episode 155: Keep It Simple – Learn and Move On

Episode 155: Keep It Simple – Learn and Move On

It’s easy to think that the concepts I’m sharing here are complicated and that you need to work through everything to experience the benefit of this work. That’s why I decided to create the Keep It Simple series, so you can take small steps toward overcoming pornography. There are six milestones I cover in the Overcome Pornography for Good program. The first thing I have my clients work on is Learn and Move On, where we work on avoiding all-or-nothing thinking and turn your slip-ups into stepping stones to successfully quitting porn. Tune in this week to learn how to keep it simple when you’re quitting pornography. I’m showing you why you don’t need to give up every time you slip up, and you can use every challenge you encounter as an opportunity to Learn and Move On.

Episode 157: Keep It Simple – Commitment

Episode 157: Keep It Simple – Commitment

If you want to quit porn, the best way to reach your goal is to keep the process simple. We make things unnecessarily complicated and confusing, so to continue our Keep It Simple series, we’re talking this week about step two: commitment. When you commit to the goal of quitting porn, that commitment can’t come from a place of fear and shame. You need a more compelling reason to quit. I’m letting you in on what those compelling reasons could look like for you, so you can start fully committing to your journey of overcoming pornography for good. Tune in this week to discover a new perspective on commitment to quitting porn. I’m discussing the problem with coming at your commitment from a place of fear and shame, and you’ll learn how to reframe your thoughts around why you want to quit porn, increasing your chances of being successful in the process.

Episode 161: Keep It Simple - Beliefs and Identity

Episode 161: Keep It Simple - Beliefs and Identity

An area we spend the most time coaching on is beliefs and identity. You are what you think, and you are what you believe you are. The important thing is to discern which beliefs you have are from yourself and which are from other people. It’s also important to be clear on which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to throw away. In today’s episode of the Keep It Simple series, we discuss how identities are sometimes imposed upon us. They are like seeds planted by others, blooming in our minds until they become the beliefs we have about ourselves. I’m showing you how to uncover some beliefs that are not true to you and how to unlearn them.

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