Episode 193: Dead People Goals

Episode 193: Dead People Goals

I explore the concept of "dead people goals" and why they’re harmful to your progress in overcoming pornography. I share examples of common dead people goals, and how to reframe your goals in a healthier, more achievable way.

Episode 144: Ask a Coach: Shame vs Guilt

Episode 144: Ask a Coach: Shame vs Guilt

Overcome Pornography for Good coach Jessica Farmer is here to answer this week’s Ask a Coach question! Here's the question on which she's offering her thoughts today: “I watched porn after being clean for six months. I feel a bit disappointed and shameful on one hand, but also feel guilty for not feeling guilty enough. Do you have any thoughts on what it looks like for me to come back from this?”

Episode 135: Fixing Things Is Exhausting You

Episode 135: Fixing Things Is Exhausting You

All of us, at one point or another, can get into a perpetual state of trying to fix every single thing about ourselves. Whether it's a porn habit, losing weight, or anything else, what often happens is that we fix one thing, only for another to surface, and so the cycle continues.

Episode 86: You Are Not Your Thoughts

Episode 86: You Are Not Your Thoughts

I recently heard a story that really stuck with me. A woman was going on a 10-day silent meditation retreat where she noticed she was thinking the same thought about what to wear the next day over and over. She decided to go on this retreat again, but this time, took just one outfit. And guess what? The same thought kept popping into her mind.

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