Episode 193: Dead People Goals

Episode 193: Dead People Goals

I explore the concept of "dead people goals" and why they’re harmful to your progress in overcoming pornography. I share examples of common dead people goals, and how to reframe your goals in a healthier, more achievable way.

Episode 192: 5 Biggest Mistakes When Quitting Porn

Episode 192: 5 Biggest Mistakes When Quitting Porn

Discover the five biggest mistakes people make when trying to quit pornography. Whether you've struggled for decades or are just starting your journey, you’ll learn the tools and insights you need to finally break free and create the life you desire.

Episode 189: No More Band-Aid Solutions

Episode 189: No More Band-Aid Solutions

Are you tired of trying Band-Aid solutions to quit viewing pornography that never seem to work long-term? Why are these quick fixes ineffective? And what should you focus on instead?

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

It’s not your fault if you’ve been unable to quit your porn habit. Most people have been told to just stop, use more willpower, pray, or focus on connections in their lives. These approaches don’t get to the root cause of unwanted porn use and actually make it worse in most cases.

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