Shame, Episode 37 Overcome Pornography for Good Podcast

Episode 37: Shame 2.0

September 27, 20212 min read

Shame is a foundational topic that we talk about all the time in my program, but it’s been a while since I’ve dedicated a whole podcast episode to it. Helping my clients wiggle out of shame is the very first thing we work on because when you’re stuck in it, it’s literally impossible to do the work to quit. 

If you think back to the societal and familial messages you’ve received about what it means about you if you watch porn, how did they make you feel? Did you feel more able to quit? Did it fuel motivation? I’m guessing that’s a hard no, and this week, I’m showing you how these thoughts often actually lead to more porn use. 

Listen in this week as I outline some shame-inducing thoughts about porn that you might be believing right now, but that simply aren’t facts. For so many people, shame is the root of their porn use, and I’m inviting you to notice how you show up when you’re drowning in shame, and recognize that choosing shame is completely optional. 

I have amazing news. If you want to take the work I’m sharing on the podcast deeper, I’m running a masterclass called How to Quit Viewing Pornography Even if You’ve Tried in the Past, and it is 100% free! All you have to do is sign up here and I will see you there. 

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • One question to ask yourself that will reveal why you might be struggling to quit porn.

  • Why it’s impossible to do the work of quitting porn when you’re stuck in shame. 

  • The types of actions the feeling of shame leads you to. 

  • Some of the most common thoughts I hear about what it means to watch porn. 

  • How the anti-porn messages we receive are often more harmful than the occasional porn use. 

  • Why choosing shameful thoughts is an option. 

Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • Click here to sign up for my free mastermind called How to Quit Viewing Pornography Even if You’ve Tried in the Past!

Full Episode Transcript:

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Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good.

Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use, and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography exists.

Sara Brewer

Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good. Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use, and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography exists.

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