Episode 156 Porn and OCD with Jill Freestone - Sara Brewer Coaching

Episode 156: OCD with Jill Freestone

January 08, 20242 min read

Why does the habit of viewing porn cause so much pain and suffering? Does trying to overcome it feel like an obsession? What does OCD have to do with porn use? And how might you identify if OCD is present for you?

Jill Freestone is an anxiety coach for teens and adults who specializes in helping them explore and understand life’s big emotions. She’s also an expert on the topic of OCD, and she’s here this week to highlight how OCD relates to people who want to quit porn and why understanding scrupulous tendencies can help steer you toward the path to healing.

Join us on this episode as Jill offers her insights on the basic characteristics of scrupulous OCD, why it becomes a problem, and how to identify if it may be present for you. We’re also diving into how scrupulous OCD keeps us stuck, why it feels like an obsession, and her top tips for beginning to question and heal these tendencies.

If you’re ready to do this work and start practicing unconditional commitment toward quitting your porn habit, sign up to work with me!


What You'll Learn from this Episode: 

  • How the topic of OCD relates to people wanting to quit porn.

  • What scrupulosity OCD means and why it becomes a problem.

  • The 3 basic characteristics of OCD.

  • How to identify if OCD may be present for you and examples of scrupulous tendencies.

  • Why seeking assurance is not a permanent solution to OCD.

  • How OCD is the equivalent of having a bully in your brain.

  • The solution to scrupulosity OCD.



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Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good.

Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use, and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography exists.

Sara Brewer

Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good. Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use, and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography exists.

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