Shame Spirals

Episode 5: Shame Spirals

September 20, 20232 min read

One of the first things I discovered and learned on my coaching journey was about the feeling of shame and how to combat it. It’s an emotion that so many people believe is useful, especially when you’re trying to overcome pornography, but this week, I’m showing you how it can be incredibly destructive.

Many of my clients come to me with thoughts that run along the lines of believing that there’s something wrong with them, or that this human weakness of theirs makes them worthy of feeling ashamed. But I want to offer to you that there are so many more emotions that are far more helpful than getting trapped in a shame spiral.

Tune in this week as I show you why combatting shame is the first step to overcoming pornography and how to start doing this. The shame spiral keeps you hiding from yourself and God, from reaching out for the support you need, and I’m inviting you to see why shame is simply no longer required.

Ready to commit to quitting pornography? I would love to be your coach. Visit this link to work with me.

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why it’s so important for us to be aware of our feelings.

  • Where our feelings come from and how our feelings drive our actions.

  • Why combatting shame is so important when you’re trying to overcome pornography.

  • The types of actions the feeling of shame leads us to take.

  • Why pornography doesn’t have the power to make you feel ashamed.

  • How to start combatting the shame cycle.



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Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands
through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good.
Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography Exists.

Sara Brewer

Founder + Chief Executive Officer Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good. Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography Exists.

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