Episode 46: Pillar One: Shame-Free Commitment

Episode 46: Pillar One: Shame-Free Commitment

Episode 46: Pillar One: Shame-Free CommitmentBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 03/09/2024

There are four pillars to consider when it comes to quitting porn, and I’m spending the next four episodes discussing each of them. So this week is the first pillar: shame-free commitment. Many of you have the commitment part down, but you’re missing the shame-free part, which actually makes it impossible to keep up with your commitment. Many times, people say they’re committed to quitting porn, but having commitment doesn’t mean you’re excited about it or you’re going to be 100% perfect. This work is going to be difficult, and the hardest part will be avoiding that feeling of shame that keeps you going back to the comfort of pornography time after time. So in this episode, I’m sharing the secrets to cultivating shame-free commitment. Tune in this week to discover how to develop the true shame-free commitment required for overcoming pornography. I’m sharing the conditioning and limiting beliefs that keep people stuck in their porn habit, and how you can move away from relying on shame and towards a porn-free life. My program is open for December and this is your last chance to get into Overcome Pornography for Good until the new year. So, if you’re feeling that pull and you’re ready to come and get some extra help in implementing the work we do on the podcast, I invite you to click here and join! This is our final pillar of the four-part series we've covered in recent weeks, and it’s a natural step that happens as you go through the process of shifting the porn habit. Too often, people are focused on the surface-level changes they see, but you’re truly adopting a new identity along the way, and this requires some awareness and conscious effort. Listen in to discover the identity shift you are undergoing as you learn to quit porn. Becoming a new person is part and parcel of this work, but I’m showing you how to give yourself the permission to do so, and the only difference between who you are now and who you want to be.

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Episode 37: Shame 2.0

Episode 37: Shame 2.0

Episode 37: Shame 2.0By: Sara Brewer
Published on: 29/08/2024

Shame is a foundational topic that we talk about all the time in my program, but it’s been a while since I’ve dedicated a whole podcast episode to it. Helping my clients wiggle out of shame is the very first thing we work on because when you’re stuck in it, it’s literally impossible to do the work to quit.  If you think back to the societal and familial messages you’ve received about what it means about you if you watch porn, how did they make you feel? Did you feel more able to quit? Did it fuel motivation? I’m guessing that’s a hard no, and this week, I’m showing you how these thoughts often actually lead to more porn use.  Listen in this week as I outline some shame-inducing thoughts about porn that you might be believing right now, but that simply aren’t facts. For so many people, shame is the root of their porn use, and I’m inviting you to notice how you show up when you’re drowning in shame, and recognize that choosing shame is completely optional.     I have amazing news. If you want to take the work I’m sharing on the podcast deeper, I’m running a masterclass called How to Quit Viewing Pornography Even if You’ve Tried in the Past, and it is 100% free! All you have to do is sign up here and I will see you there

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Episode 33: The Power of Pain

Episode 33: The Power of Pain

Episode 33: The Power of PainBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

I’ve personally been going through a lot of inner turmoil and emotional pain lately, and it got me thinking about the beauty and power of pain. Viewing pornography is an outlet for many people to avoid the pain they’re experiencing in their lives, but it’s one that often just creates more of it. So this week, I’m inviting you to see the power of learning to feel pain. There’s often this misconception that we have to be stronger than the pain we’re feeling to overcome it, but in truth, this belief only keeps you stuck in avoidance and buffering, in this case, with porn. Listen in this week as I show you how going through your pain is a beautiful act, but it’s one that is not easy. I’m encouraging you to stop running from your pain, and instead, to be open to the truth that healthy individuals feel pain and use it to heal and empower themselves to create change.    I have amazing news. If you want to take the work I’m sharing on the podcast deeper, I’m running a masterclass called How to Quit Viewing Pornography Even if You’ve Tried in the Past, and it is 100% free! All you have to do is sign up here and I will see you there.

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Episode 31: "I Shouldn't Be Here"

Episode 31: "I Shouldn't Be Here"

Episode 31: "I Shouldn't Be Here"By: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

Last week, we dove into the power of accepting yourself and how those who do are able to quit pornography faster. In this episode, we’re taking this concept a step further by discussing one thought that keeps people from acceptance and keeps them in a shame cycle of buffering with porn.  How many of you have had the thought along the lines of, “I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’t be struggling with this, I shouldn’t need to listen to this podcast or do this work”? You might think this is a fact as it relates to your porn habit, that everyone would agree this is a horrible place to be, but I’m offering an alternative perspective today.  Join me on the podcast this week to discover how the thought, “I shouldn’t be here” keeps you stuck where you are right now. I’m inviting you to come at this thought with curiosity instead of resistance, and you’ll start to see what an amazing opportunity questioning this thought is in helping help you quit porn for good.

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