
Our Vision

To be the world-class, go-to program for people quitting porn. This is about so much more than quitting porn. It’s about deep inner healing and living a life free of escapism, shame, and regret.


We work with independent researchers to weed out inaccurate studies with little empirical evidence and highlight studies that foster healing and understanding of the human mind.


Each of our coaches take a holistic healing approach helping to work around OCD, PTSD, and sexual shame. We are dedicated to helping clients find additional resources to cultivate a safe space both mentally and physically.


We recognize that you are the authority of your results. Our priority is to give you the most efficient tools to create the lasting results that you want.

At the Center for Overcoming Pornography, our revolutionary approach is grounded in principles that return direct results.

Our coaching methodology is firmly anchored in research, merging Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) thought work with empirically validated mindfulness techniques.

This combination creates success in building new habits, providing members with a proven foundation for overcoming pornography and reducing your desire for pornography all together.

We acknowledge the interconnectedness of the nervous system, body, and mind, ensuring a comprehensive and enduring transformation.
Our coaching practice is direct. We focus on providing clarity and purpose with no room for ambiguity. We cultivate a space where scientific objectivity meets radical acceptance.

“I was able to go 30 days without viewing any pornography. And this is especially significant to me because those 30 days were some of the most painful and emotional days of my life (not to be dramatic, haha). But because of the things I’ve been learning in your program, I’ve been able to process those emotions and not buffer them. It hasn’t been easy and I’ve experienced some pretty miserable times, but I see my character changing.”

— Mitchell.

"Before the program my life was pretty good, but I lacked the direction necessary to overcome my pornography problem. Sara provided a new way of looking at the issue. She didn't just sharpen an already-existing tool that I was using to combat my pornography habit; she gave me an entirely different tool. She was very easy-going and never made me feel ashamed about my progress. Though I'm still learning how to use these tools effectively, I can tell that they are the key to overcoming my habit."

— Ethan.

"I let my porn habit consume me. I thought I would look at porn my whole life. I would willpower it out for 3 months and feel amazing about myself. And then I would “slip up” and look at porn constantly. I was desperate. I am a long-distance triathlete. I understand what work is. I just didn’t know how to work on my brain. I believed in myself to do an Ironman, but I didn’t know how to believe in myself enough to quit porn. When I met with Sara, I knew that she had something different about her. She knows what she is doing, and she teaches you to become the healer. Honestly, investing in her program has been one of the top three best decisions in my life. My outlook, perspective, self-love, confidence, and self-esteem is through the roof! Now, 3-4 months post-program I am porn free. I just had to really get through some demons first. Guys, It’s a folk tale that you will struggle with this forever. You really can stop, anyone can. Take the investment. You deserve it. You’re worth it."

— Koji.

Ready to overcome

pornography for good?

1. Enter your name and email to register for the FREE training.

2. Watch the video to understand our unique method of using mindfulness to help you manage your pornography consumption.

3. Enjoy your life porn-free or sign up for our coaching program, Overcome Pornography for Good for more help!

Sara Brewer

Founder + Chief Executive Officer

Sara Brewer is a certified life and trauma-informed coach. She has helped over a thousand people quit porn through her coaching programs and tens of thousands
through her highly-rated podcast, Overcome Pornography for Good.

Sara shares her story in her free webinars, but the simple version is that she saw shame's role in compulsive pornography use and after developing a process focused on addressing shame as the root, her clients saw amazing success. This is why The Center for Overcoming Pornography Exists.

Kat Jenkins


Kat certified as a Life Coach in 2019 through The Life Coach School and has been a Breath Coach since 2022. She joined Sara Brewer’s Coaching Team in the Overcome Pornography for Good Program in November of 2021. Kat is passionate about helping her clients learn to love themselves and their journey. She is inspired by the work, changes, and growth she sees on a daily basis. Kat loves reading and learning; she lives in Idaho with her husband and three children.

Jessica Farmer


Jessica Farmer is a certified Life and Marriage Coach working with individuals and couples to find peace in their marriage relationships, as well as those working to overcome unwanted pornography use. She is a life-long learner and always working to deepen her understanding of relationships, how trauma impacts our current realities and how to create more resilience in our lives. She lives in Washington state with her husband, four children and her dog/office buddy, Gracie. She loves to hike, read and travel as much as possible.

Mimi Porter


Mimi is a Trauma-informed Master Certified Coach with over 9600 coaching sessions. She is passionate about getting emotional health tools to men and believe too many are suffering silently. She has been married for 33 years, has 6 kids and 5 grandkids. Her super power is helping people see where they are giving their power away.

Lavear Whitney

Program Ambassador

Lavear is available to talk to you about our resources or answer questions about the program. He also helps to support clients once they join. He has BS in psychology and marketing. "I wish people who were quitting porn knew their true potential and that this work is about so much more than quitting porn. You really can be the person that you want to be and a hope and light for others. You can heal and put your past behind you, and that is what we help you do here at the Center for Overcoming Pornography."

Our Promise

We believe you are a strong, successful person, completely capable of overcoming pornography. Our coaching is compassionate and nonjudgmental. We’re here to support you FOR LIFE.

Our Mission


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