Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-Desire

Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-Desire

Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-DesireBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

This week, we’re digging into another crucial element of fixing the root of the pornography habit. Over-desire for porn is why it can feel like you’re watching it before you’ve even thought about it, and like it’s completely out of control, but I’ve got good news for you this week. While over-desire can make you feel powerless, the good news is that you’ve actually trained your brain to want porn. So, this means you can begin learning how to train yourself not to want it. Listen in this week as I show you the role over-desire plays in the habit, and why it can feel so automatic when your urges come up. I’m using the theory of Pavlov’s dogs to demonstrate how we’ve inadvertently trained our

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Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: Escape

Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: Escape

Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: EscapeBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

In the first three episodes of this podcast, we’ll be diving into how to get to the root of the pornography habit. There is so much misinformation out in the world that is preventing you from being able to quit for good, and this week, I’m starting by debunking the myths and showing you what it really takes to quit. The first aspect of fixing the root of the problem that we’re discussing is the need to escape. The truth is that the habit has nothing to do with your sexual appetite and everything to do with feeling the need to escape. And I’m showing you why we tend to do this, not only with porn, but in every area of our lives. Join me this week as I show you why you might be attempting to escape your emotions through buffers, and how they might be showing up in your life. Overcoming pornography doesn’t have to feel like a mystery, and this episode is going to clarify exactly why you might be leaning on porn right now.

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Episode 3: Fixing the Root: Identity

Episode 3: Fixing the Root: Identity

Episode 3: Fixing the Root: IdentityBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 26/08/2024

In this episode, we’re diving into your identity as a pornography viewer. Fixing the root of your pornography habit requires taking a closer look at what you believe about who you are right now, and making this shift is going to be everything. If you currently see yourself as someone who struggles with pornography, as someone who desires it and can’t get it under control, you will always be this person. Identity change doesn’t happen overnight, but if we don’t consciously work on changing it, our life circumstances will always determine it for us. Listen in this week as I show you how to begin the process of transforming your identity. This work is so life-changing, not only in terms of overcoming this habit, but in every area of your life. I’m guiding you through some of the most common limiting beliefs that keep people stuck, and how to start letting them go to up-level who you currently are.

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