Episode 10: Am I Addicted?

Episode 10: Am I Addicted?

Episode 10: Am I Addicted?By: Sara Brewer
Published on: 29/08/2024

In my experience of working at addiction recovery programs and the research I’ve done in this realm, the term “addicted” or “addiction” has a long laundry list of definitions. But what I have found, especially in LDS culture, is the use of this label in a way that isn’t helpful and is in fact harmful to us. Sure, there are chemical processes going on in our brains when we view pornography, but that doesn’t have to mean you’re addicted or powerless. I’m inviting you to question the types of actions you take when you believe you’re “addicted” to porn, and how you want to use this label for yourself going forward. The truth is you always get to decide how you interpret yourself and your life. I’m sharing some ways I’ve intentionally chosen to change my beliefs about myself and the results I’ve gotten from that, and I’m asking you this week, if you decided being “addicted” to porn wasn’t a problem, what else would you choose instead?

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