Episode 12: Sin Vs Weakness

Episode 12: Sin Vs Weakness

Episode 12: Sin Vs WeaknessBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 29/08/2024

So far on the podcast, I’ve taught you a lot of the science behind habit-reformation and how your brain is working. But in this episode, I’m talking about your pornography habit from the perspective that really matters: God’s. One thing I see with clients and listeners who are members of the LDS Church is that they’re told from a young age that porn is evil and they need to avoid it at all costs. So then, if you do start watching pornography, you inevitably feel terrible because what you’re doing is a sin in the eyes of Heavenly Father. And this is where the principle of Sin Vs Weakness comes in. Join me on the podcast this week to discover the differences between sins and weaknesses in the eyes of God. And when you understand this difference, you will be in a much better position to decide whether your habit is really a sin, or whether it’s just an area of human weakness that every single one of us experiences in some form or

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Episode 139: A Fresh View on Sin with Tyson Bradley

Episode 139: A Fresh View on Sin with Tyson Bradley

Episode 139: A Fresh View on Sin with Tyson BradleyBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 26/08/2024

Sin is a term that’s historically been connected to salvation and a determinant in whether we’re worthy of God’s love. It’s no surprise, then, that we operate from a place of fear and shame around our perceived sins. However, if we know that sin is associated with shame and, at the same time, we don’t want to get rid of the idea that there is good and bad, what’s the solution? This week, I’m joined by Tyson Bradley to explore a new perspective on sin. Tyson is a certified life coach and founder of Inherent Identity, a company focused on empowering God-loving people to create identity-based changes that last. He’s here to offer a fresh view on sin and how this could be the most freeing work you can do in overcoming pornography. Tune in today to hear Tyson’s insights on why we need to redefine what sin means and where it comes from. We discuss how our current beliefs about sin perpetuate shame, what we consider to be sinful behavior, and what can happen when we start seeing sin as a wound that needs healing versus a crime that needs punishing.

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