Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You UpBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 28/07/2024

It’s not your fault if you’ve been unable to quit your porn habit. Most people have been told to just stop, use more willpower, pray, or focus on connections in their lives. These approaches don’t get to the root cause of unwanted porn use and actually make it worse in most cases. My clients often tell me they’ve tried all the things and worked with the best in the quit porn industry but haven’t seen the progress they want. And now, everything is changing for them. So, what’s missing from the quit porn industry? How are they failing you? And why is it messing you up? Join me on this episode to learn how the quit porn industry is not addressing the root issue of porn use, and why you need to get underneath the surface to truly heal. You’ll hear how my approach addresses the drivers of unwanted porn use, and why it’s changing the lives of my clients.

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Episode 131: Using Spirituality When Quitting Porn

Episode 131: Using Spirituality When Quitting Porn

Episode 131: Using Spirituality When Quitting PornBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 05/09/2023

One of the main missions behind my program and podcast is inclusivity. That’s why, more often than not, you’ll hear me speaking out about the harmful systems that exist in religious spheres. Whether it’s purity culture or sexual shame, there are certain ideas that really hurt people when they’re trying to quit porn. However, that doesn’t mean I’m anti-religion or anti-spirituality. In fact, there are many benefits to practicing spirituality when it comes to quitting porn, and I’m excited to share them with you on this episode. Spirituality can be both extremely damaging or beneficial, and I’m exploring both sides of the coin this week. Join me today to discover how spirituality can become harmful and damaging, as well as a great tool to lean on when you’re trying to quit porn. I’m sharing some of my own personal spiritual experiences, and how you can use spirituality to practice unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others.

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Episode 129: What Does It Mean to Quit for Good?

Episode 129: What Does It Mean to Quit for Good?

Episode 129: What Does It Mean to Quit for Good?By: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2023

What does quitting porn for good even mean? How do we concretely define it? Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to say that about yourself? Quitting porn for good is a goal that most of you are actively working towards. For some people, this idea excites and motivates them. However, it can also create pressure, fear, and doubt for many individuals. If you find yourself fixating excessively on the term "for good" or questioning whether you can ever reach that point, you're in the right place. Join me on this episode to explore what it truly means to quit porn for good, and discover a helpful perspective that will shift you away from fear and doubt and empower you with control. I’m sharing how the notion of "for good" might be keeping you stuck, and why it doesn't have to be solely about never slipping up or viewing porn again.

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