Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-Desire

Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-Desire

Episode 2: Fixing the Root: Over-DesireBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

This week, we’re digging into another crucial element of fixing the root of the pornography habit. Over-desire for porn is why it can feel like you’re watching it before you’ve even thought about it, and like it’s completely out of control, but I’ve got good news for you this week. While over-desire can make you feel powerless, the good news is that you’ve actually trained your brain to want porn. So, this means you can begin learning how to train yourself not to want it. Listen in this week as I show you the role over-desire plays in the habit, and why it can feel so automatic when your urges come up. I’m using the theory of Pavlov’s dogs to demonstrate how we’ve inadvertently trained our

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Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: Escape

Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: Escape

Episode 1: Fixing the Root of the Problem: EscapeBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

In the first three episodes of this podcast, we’ll be diving into how to get to the root of the pornography habit. There is so much misinformation out in the world that is preventing you from being able to quit for good, and this week, I’m starting by debunking the myths and showing you what it really takes to quit. The first aspect of fixing the root of the problem that we’re discussing is the need to escape. The truth is that the habit has nothing to do with your sexual appetite and everything to do with feeling the need to escape. And I’m showing you why we tend to do this, not only with porn, but in every area of our lives. Join me this week as I show you why you might be attempting to escape your emotions through buffers, and how they might be showing up in your life. Overcoming pornography doesn’t have to feel like a mystery, and this episode is going to clarify exactly why you might be leaning on porn right now.

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Episode 101: What’s Possible with Chaz

Episode 101: What’s Possible with Chaz

Episode 101: What’s Possible with ChazBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 27/08/2024

While there are lots of people out there bragging about losing weight or breaking other habits that aren’t serving them, there aren’t many people sharing their success with quitting pornography. This fosters a belief that quitting porn is impossible, or that you have to be stuck with this habit forever, and this is just not true. This is why I love sharing success stories from my clients. Chaz is one of them, and he’s got so many great insights to share with us about his journey in this week's episode. There are specific challenges around quitting porn, especially if you’ve been raised in a conservative religion, and as a member of the LDS Church, Chaz did the work to challenge some of those narratives while continuing to keep his faith. Join us this week as Chaz shares his experience of struggling with pornography and learning the skills of overcoming this habit, all while making it work within his faith beliefs. He’s sharing the trajectory of his porn use, why he felt stuck, and the concepts that made the biggest difference in helping him get out of this cyclical loop. At this time of year, it’s so easy to get in your head about everything you didn’t accomplish in the previous 12 months and what the next year might look like. Well, as an end-of-year gift to all of you, I have a new free class coming up! It’s called Five Easy and Proven Methods to Guarantee That You Quit Porn in 2023. So, if you don’t want porn to be a part of your life in 2023, all you have to do is click here to sign up and get access. If you’re ready to do this work and start practicing unconditional commitment toward quitting your porn habit, sign up to work with me! Now is the time to sign up and lock in at the current price because we will be increasing the price of lifetime access on January 1st. But if you do sign up now, you’ll get access to all the additional marriage support calls, group calls, and specialized workshops we’re adding in 2023 at no additional cost!

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Episode 122: What’s Possible with James

Episode 122: What’s Possible with James

Episode 122: What’s Possible with JamesBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 26/08/2024

In this week's episode, I speak with James, who has been a member of Overcome Pornography for Good and has been coached by Kat. Kat also joins us on this episode. James's story is a great example of how it is never too late to try something new, and what he has achieved in the program has been transformational. James had been viewing porn on and off since he was 11 years old, which adds up to over 40 years. He had always labeled himself as an addict and had heavy thoughts around his pornography use. However, with the approach we use in Overcome Pornography for Good, everything started to change for James. Tune in this week to discover what is possible when you stop labeling yourself as an addict. James shares the beliefs he changed around his pornography use and what it means, and dives into all the work we did in Overcome Pornography for Good that helped him quit porn and move forward with his life.

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