Episode 138: What’s Possible with Josh

Episode 138: What’s Possible with Josh

Episode 138: What’s Possible with JoshBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 26/08/2024

This week, I'm bringing you the last "What's Possible" interview I have planned, and we're celebrating my client, Josh. Josh's story is filled with hope and connection, and he's truly an example of what you can achieve when you approach your porn habit with confidence and curiosity. Like many people in the Overcome Pornography community, Josh first started watching porn as a pre-teen and was immediately hooked, despite having intense feelings of shame and believing that he shouldn’t be viewing it. This started a cycle of porn use, shame, and failed attempts to quit. However, he has made immense progress in both his porn use and feelings of shame around it, and he's here to share it all with us on the podcast. Tune in this week to hear how Josh went from feeling intense pressure about quitting porn to successfully quitting by accepting that his progress with porn would never be linear. Josh shares his advice for dealing with slip-ups as you start quitting pornography, and we go deep into all the ways he has grown since he stopped struggling with pornography.

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Episode 23: Curiosity Vs Judgment

Episode 23: Curiosity Vs Judgment

Episode 23: Curiosity Vs JudgmentBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 26/08/2024

Every time you slip up and do something you told yourself you weren’t going to do, instead of just ignoring it and trying again, I always encourage my clients to go back, look at the situation, and get curious about what happened and answer some questions about it. Curiosity is such a big part of breaking a habit like viewing pornography. But something that comes up with so many of my clients when they’re in the process of getting curious is they find themselves being very judgmental towards themselves, especially after slipping up and viewing porn after a period of abstinence. And this doesn’t help anyone. Join me on the podcast to discover how to be more curious in your journey of overcoming pornography, and less judgmental. I’m sharing why curiosity will always move you through any process quicker than judgment, and what you can do to reframe those occasions when you do decide to view pornography despite trying to quit.

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Episode 24: Fear of the Future

Episode 24: Fear of the Future

Episode 24: Fear of the FutureBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 25/08/2024

Fear of the future is something that comes up so often for my clients and anyone with a pornography habit. They think to themselves, “If I look at porn, my life will be ruined.” And while it may seem like fear is the perfect motivator, I want to show you the dark side of overemphasizing this perspective. I asked a bunch of you recently, what are you afraid of when it comes to pornography, and what does that fear cause you to act? The answers were incredibly eye-opening, and the actions people take only perpetuate the problem. But what I want for you is to take positive action towards quitting porn, so I’m sharing the reality of using fear as a motivator in today’s episode. Tune in this week to discover why the fear that so many people feel around quitting porn is not the motivator you need if you want to break the habit. I’m sharing why love and hope will always take you further than fear and how you can work on overcoming any fear around porn, so you can overcome pornography for good.

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Episode 160: Is Porn Use Infidelity? With Andrea Giles

Episode 160: Is Porn Use Infidelity? With Andrea Giles

Episode 160: Is Porn Use Infidelity? With Andrea GilesBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 05/08/2024

Our goal here at Overcome Pornography for Good is to provide a safe space for people struggling with unwanted porn use and to offer support to spouses who are also struggling with their partner’s porn use. My guest this week is an expert at holding space for both sides, and she’s here to discuss the nuances and complexities involved in porn use because it’s never quite as black-and-white as we think. Andrea Giles is an infidelity coach who primarily works with women trying to heal after infidelity, and she’s here to explore the question, “Is porn use infidelity?” Join us on this episode to hear Andrea’s definition of infidelity and whether she believes unwanted porn use constitutes cheating in a relationship. We’re exploring how to gain an objective view of your situation, why independent healing matters, and her top tips for rebuilding a loving relationship with a shared vision moving forward.

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