Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You Up

Episode 168: What’s Missing from the Quit Porn Industry & Why It’s Messing You UpBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 28/07/2024

It’s not your fault if you’ve been unable to quit your porn habit. Most people have been told to just stop, use more willpower, pray, or focus on connections in their lives. These approaches don’t get to the root cause of unwanted porn use and actually make it worse in most cases. My clients often tell me they’ve tried all the things and worked with the best in the quit porn industry but haven’t seen the progress they want. And now, everything is changing for them. So, what’s missing from the quit porn industry? How are they failing you? And why is it messing you up? Join me on this episode to learn how the quit porn industry is not addressing the root issue of porn use, and why you need to get underneath the surface to truly heal. You’ll hear how my approach addresses the drivers of unwanted porn use, and why it’s changing the lives of my clients.

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