Episode 118: Quitting Porn at Age 75: What’s Possible with Jeff

Episode 118: Quitting Porn at Age 75: What’s Possible with Jeff

Episode 118: Quitting Porn at Age 75: What’s Possible with JeffBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 04/09/2023

No matter how old you are, you can quit porn. My guest today is proof that it's possible. Jeff is 75 years old and had struggled with pornography since he was 14 years old. He had tried to quit many times over the years, but none of those attempts resulted in permanent change. Like so many of you listening, Jeff used porn as a way to escape his emotions and it led to struggles, challenges, and stress in his life and in his relationships. However, after going through my program, he can now say that he has no desire to use porn. Tune in this week to hear Jeff’s story of using porn for over 60 years to no longer having the urge or desire to look at it. Jeff shares why his attempts to quit over the years didn’t work, how it affected his relationship with his wife, and how what he learned in the program changed everything. Jeff says he’s now free to live his life the way he wants to, and I want you to know that that freedom is possible for you too!

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