Episode 105: The Story of You

Episode 105: The Story of You

Episode 105: The Story of YouBy: Sara Brewer
Published on: 11/09/2023

What stories do you have about yourself? Whether you’re conscious of it or not, you have a story that’s playing in your mind all the time of who you are, what you’re doing, and what you’re capable of. Sometimes, this story is extremely painful and creates a lot of negative results in our life. On top of that, it might not even be true. If you have a painful story about who you are and everything you’ve done wrong, it’s impossible to feel good about yourself in a sustainable way. You’re just creating a cycle of negative emotion, negative action, and negative results. So, if you’re ready to tell a new story about yourself that isn’t influenced by shame and judgment, this episode is for you. Tune in this week to dig deeper into your story of you. I’m giving you a practical exercise to get clear on the ways your story of you is leaving you feeling unworthy and shameful, so you can get clear on the facts of your story and how your thoughts about these facts are making your story feel a whole lot worse.

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