Ecclesiastical Leaders

Work With Us

Leadership training for ecclesiastical leaders who want to better support

individuals struggling with pornography.


  • Get the tools you need to increase your confidence and expertise on the issue of pornography so you know exactly what to say!

  • Learn the sure-fire way to help people quit porn for good using our research-based, shame-free method.

  • Understand the research and have an abundance of resources to refer to.

  • Get REAL results. No more spinning and relapsing. Help people find sustainable change.

“Before I started the program I felt completely controlled by pornography. I was unable to quit after years of trying on my own and with others' help. I felt lost and stressed that I would never be able to be free. Once the shame was removed i was able to accomplish my goals. I was given specific tools needed to overcome pornography that I haven't found anywhere else. I will continue to refer everyone I know who struggles with pornography to you. I couldn't say enough good things about this incredible program!”


You have someone sitting across from you that’s trying to quit viewing porn.

As their religious leader, you know that you hold a lot of power.

The weight of that responsibility feels heavy.

You feel you only have two options:

1. Explain how dangerous and shameful porn is in hopes to motivate the user to stop, or

2. Counsel on eggshells giving the individual permission and justification to keep using porn.

Neither option feels right and whichever way you choose, you end up having to counsel them again and again, never seeming to make much progress for more than a few weeks at a time.

You want to put in time to research the topic but you don’t know where to begin.

At the end of your sessions, you feel hopeless and stuck. Progress is not being made. Nothing seems to work.

This doesn’t have to be your experience. We've done the research and we have good news- there is a revolutionary third option.


We work with independent researchers to weed out inaccurate studies with little empirical evidence and highlight studies that foster healing and understanding of the human mind.


Each of our coaches take a holistic healing approach helping to work around OCD, PTSD, and sexual shame. We are dedicated to helping clients find additional resources to cultivate a safe space both mentally and physically.

Results Focused

We recognize that you are the authority of your results. Our priority is to give you the most efficient tools to create the lasting results that you want.


  • Leave you feeling confident to know exactly what to say and how to counsel.

  • Give you the most up-to-date research to help individuals solve the ROOT of their porn use instead of using band-aid solutions.

  • Give you SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE tools, questions, and phrases.

  • Give you effective Worksheets to give to those you counsel.

  • Teach you how to give sermons and talks around this in a way that will leave your people feeling inspired and hopeful, not fearful and ashamed.


  • A training on specific religious ideology. We have leaders from many faiths attending this class, and you can work your theology into all of the ideas taught.

  • A discussion on morality - it’s just the tools you need to help someone who wants to quit

    A bash on religion. You have so much power as a religious leader. Our goal is to give you more context and tools to fit into the way you already counsel.

  • A sales pitch. At the end of the class, we will share about our program for those of you who are interested but all of the skills we will be teaching during the class will make your ministry extremely powerful.

Ecclesiastical Leader Training

With this training, you will..

Watch your members finally quit pornography and never go back.

Increase your confidence and expertise on the issue of pornography; never again feel lost on how to respond

Transform your congregation’s culture strengthening individuals and families

Just $25

What's Included?

Lifetime Access

Lifetime access to a comprehensive class teaching you specific tools, phrases, words to use, and questions to get the best results.

Professional Resources

When to recommend conjunctive professional support like therapy or coaching.

Additional Support

Ownership of a PDF with notes, tools, and worksheets that you can use with those you are counseling.